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Open until June 30, 2025


Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation E.P.E. (CDTI) have been designated as funding agencies to manage a new joint top-down R&D Bilateral Programme, the Korea Spain Strategic Programme (KSSP), to select and fund singular projects in mutually agreed topics. 

This call [LINK] for proposals under the KSSP aims to launch ambitious strategic joint R&D projects of a high international standard between Korean and Spanish organizations. The selected projects will be funded by KIAT in Korea and CDTI in Spain. 

THEMATIC AREAS : Renewable Energy, Hydrogen & Energy Storage


KSSP is aimed at encouraging collaborative cross-border innovative civil joint R&D projects between Korean and Spanish industrial partners, consisting in the development or substantial improvement of new products, processes, or services.

KIAT and CDTI have allocated to this Joint Call the Korean Government and CDTI budget respectively. Its contribution to partners in singular projects will be in the form of grants;

• KIAT, with a maximum of 1,000 million won a year per project.

• CDTI, with a maximum of 3 million euro per project.

None of the countries´ budget (namely the budget of its entities participating in the proposal) can have more than 60% of the global budget of the project.

Duration of projects: from 12 months up to 36 months

Starting date of projects: On September 1st, 2024.


KSSP projects will be developed by consortia composed of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Middle-standing Enterprises (MEs) and Large Enterprises and Universities or Research Centers in Korea, and SMEs and Large companies in Spain.

Each consortium leaders are a large or medium size company from Spain and a SME or ME from Korea. Consortia are composed by a minimum of at least one SME or ME in Korea and at least two independent industrial partners (SMEs and large companies) in Spain.

Spanish part of the consortia shall include at least two companies with a minimum SME budget contribution of 10% to the overall Spanish part budget. Participation of research institutes/universities and other organizations are welcome as subcontractors.

The Korean side shall include at least one SME or ME as consortium leader.


  • Launch of Joint Call for Proposals: Jan.08, 2024
  • Deadline for Submission (International): Apr.25, 2024
  • Eligibility feedback to applicants: May.03, 2024
  • Label concession (estimated): Jul.08, 2024
  • Deadline for Submission of Signed Consortium Agreement: Jul.25, 2024