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 Korea-German Academia-Industry International Collboartion Program(2+2) on the topics of "Semiconductors and assistance robotics"

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) are supporting joint projects through strategic project support measures in order to promote cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea. The measure is aimed at promoting joint research projects of mutual interest and thus contributing to intensified scientific and technological cooperation (STC) between Germany and Korea.

Specifically, funding will be provided for cooperation between representatives of German and Korean industry and science in the form of “2+2 projects” in the fields of Robotics and Semiconductors. “2+2 projects” is deemed to mean research and development (R&D) projects involving at least one German and one Korean research-performing industrial partner and at least one German and one Korean research institution. The funding is intended to create the
basis for a lasting R&D innovation partnership.

Object of the funding :

Topic 1: Semiconductors

- Power semiconductors,
- Automotive semiconductor,
- Memory technologies: (MRAM, FE-RAM), (open-source) tools for design automation, new concepts at component level (memory controller, error correction, data compression, computing in memory, trustworthiness, security), preferably based on RISC-V,
- Advanced packaging: Heterointegration, chiplets, design tools and standardisation for chiplets, split manufacturing
- Failure analysis and testing: AI methods for automated failure analysis, new concepts for inline process control
- Green production in electronics: Reduction of energy and resource consumption in semiconductor/electronics production, avoidance of critical and/or ecologically questionable materials.

Topic 2: Assistance robotics

- Care robotics: Care robots, robots for elderly care
- Therapy robotics/therapeutic robots: Robot therapist
- Social Robotics: Social robot with artificial emotion and intelligence
- Collaborative Robotics: Collaborative robot including disaster robot
- Public robotics: Robots that are used in public spaces.

Funding recipients :

German side ;
Applications may be submitted by universities, non-university research institutions and other institutions contributing to research as well as commercial companies, which have a plant or branch in Germany at the time of payment of the grant – particularly small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) as defined by the European Commission at http://ec.europa.eu/growth/sme... – which fulfil the funding purpose and requirements. Research institutions which receive joint basic funding from the Federal Government and/or the Länder can only be granted project funding supplementary to their basic funding to cover additional project-related expenditure or costs under certain preconditions.

Korean side ;

Korean company, university, research institute, and medical institution (refer to Article the Common Operational Regulation for Industrial Technology Innovation Programs for the defintion of these terms) are eligible to apply. Korean companies in a consortium, whether as lead organization or participating organization, must be one that has been in operation for one year or more since its establishment (based on Business Registration Certificate) and that has a
company-affiliated research institute as of the deadline of submission.

Programme Procedure and Schedule : 

  • Launch of the Call : July.25
  • Project Submission deadline: Oct.8, 2024 

Special funding requirements :

At least four (maximum six) eligible institutions from both countries must be involved in each project – a maximum of three from one country. At least one commercial enterprise and one scientific institution from each country must be represented. The terms of cooperation between the partners in a collaborative project must be set out in a written cooperation agreement. Before a funding decision on a collaborative project is taken, the cooperation partners must prove that they have reached a basic agreement. Funding recipients are obliged to participate in possible evaluation measures and to provide any information needed to assess the success of the funding measure. Funding is provided by the BMBF for the German project partners and by the MOTIE for the Korean project partners. Project partners from other countries are admitted to the network but cannot receive funding.

Type and scope, rates of funding : 

German side;
Grants are awarded by way of project funding as a non repayable subsidy, generally up to a maximum of EUR 1,000,000 per collaborative project for the German side and generally for a period of up to 36 months.
The basis of assessment for grants to commercial enterprises and for projects of research institutions that fall within the scope of commercial activities is the eligible project-related costs.
These can be financed on a pro rata basis, taking into account the requirements of state aid law(see appendix German Text). According to BMBF principles, an appropriate own contribution to the eligible costs incurred is required.
The basis of assessment for grants to universities, research and scientific institutions and comparable institutions that do not fall within the scope of commercial activities is the eligible project-related expenditure (in the case of Helmholtz Centres and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft,
the eligible project- related costs), which can be funded individually up to 100%, taking into account the requirements of state aid law. In the case of non-commercial research projects at universities and university hospitals, a project lump sum of 20% is granted in addition to the eligible expenditure financed by the BMBF.
It should be noted that the project lump sum is already included in the maximum possible funding amount stated above.

Korean side;
Funding will be awarded as project grants usually amounting to 1,500 million KRW per collaborative project and usually for a maximum period of 36 months.
Project funding is comprised of government contributions and civilian dues (cash and in-kind). The amount of government contributions will vary depending on the type of executing organizations and project in accordance with Article 24 (Funding criteria) and Article 25 (Civilian dues) of the Common Operational Regulations for the Industrial Technology Innovation Programs. 

For German applicants, the German call text[here] as published in the Federal Gazette(Bundesanzeiger) is binding. The English text is a courtesy translation only. The korean call text can be found [here].

Early stage consultation is recommended, 

Contacts :

  • DLR (for scientific questions)
    • Dr. Carolin Lange
    • E-mail: c.lange@dlr.de
    • Tel.: +49 2 28/38 21-20 81
  • DLR (for administrative questions)
    • Dr. Birgit Ehrenberg
    • E-mail: Birgit.Ehrenberg@dlr.de
    • Tel.: +49 2 28/38 21-14 71
  • KIAT
    • Ms. Lee Eun Ji
    • E-mail: lee.ej@kiat.or.kr
    • Tel.: +82 02-6009-3764